The Updated Hashnode API Setup Tutorial

That should be in their documentation ๐Ÿ˜œ


3 min read

I was trying to set up my website to link previews to my articles here on Hashnode, and though I did get some great ideas from Catalin's tutorial from a few of years ago (which is like decades in tech time), I had to figure out how to do it now as Hashnode has updated their API since then. His and others tutorials that I have come across were not updated to Hashnode's new API address and the queries they used are just not valid now (maybe Hashnode did a restructuring of their data ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™€๏ธ).

Here's the updated tutorial I was hoping to find, but didn't, so you don't have to pull your hair out too.

How To Do It

  1. If you don't have Node.js installed, I recommend you do so, because you will need to test to see if your Javascript code is returning the calls (or errors) you except. I use Homebrew on my Mac.
$ brew install node
  1. Go to Hashnode's API Playground to figure out what you want to pull from it and create the query at the same time. I wanted to pull the 3 most recent articles that I have published. If you aren't familiar with GraphQL, it's like SQL and XML had a love child. Hashnode has a reference page that explains how they organize their data and it helped me figure out how to create my query. Make sure to capture ALL those curly brackets, because there's a lot! So here's what I came up with:
query Publication {
  publication(host: "") {
    posts(first: 3) {
      edges {
        node {
          coverImage {
  1. Build out your code and include your GraphQL Query:

     fetch('', {
       method: 'POST',
       body: JSON.stringify({ // Use stringify for the query
         query: `{
             publication(host: "") {
             posts(first: 3) {
               edges {
                 node {
                   coverImage {
       headers: {'content-type': 'application/json' }
     .then(response => response.json())
     .then(data => {
         // Access the posts data
         const posts =;
         // console.log('Posts:', posts); // uncomment so you can see what you pulled in and have it output to console 
         // Have javascript map through posts and create the HTML divs
         // and pull in the data from the API into the tags
         const blogPostHTML = => {
             return `
                 <div class="list_item item1">
                     <img src="${post.node.coverImage.url}" alt="${post.node.title}" />
                     <div class="list_detail">
                         <a href="${post.node.url}" target="_blank">Read more</a>
         // Join (aka insert) divs into the index.html file at id, postsContainer
         postsContainer.innerHTML = blogPostHTML.join('');  
  2. Uncomment the console.log line above to see the data (or errors) in your terminal window when you run Node. Then run Node on your file:

     $ node blog.js
  3. This is a HTML snippet where the divs will be inserted:

     <section id="lab">
         <div class="container  list_container">
             <div class="section_title lab_title">
            <h3 class="lab_title subsection_title">ARTICLES</h3>
            <div id="postsContainer" class="list_collection blog">
                      This div will be programmatically filled with data 
                      from Hashnode's API & HTML generated by my script

    Hopefully you found this tutorial helpful.

    Happy coding, friends! Buy Me A Coffee
